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19 avril 2013 5 19 /04 /avril /2013 16:31



Okinawa fu buta no kaku ni 





Okinawa fu 沖縄風 means Okinawa style, I say this because there is a Chinese recipe that is very similar to this one, and in Japanese this Chinese recipe is also translate as buta no kakuni 豚の角 煮 simply means simmered pork cubes . Even if it is Okinawa style, it's a little bit Japanized.

This is soooo good, cooking time is very long, but it's worth it, the meat is so soft and tender, especially the fat, the fat melt in your month!

For this recipe I used  okinawa kurozato 冲縄黒砂糖



"Okinawa Black Sugar" is raw sugar cane, it's Okinawa specialty. Using this sugar in this recipe is my idea ^^ in all recipes of butanokakuni that I know, I've never seen one that used it, but I find that it goes so well with this dish! But if you don't have any, usual brown cane sugar is fine.

for 3~4 servs.

-500g of pork belly 豚バラ肉

-a big peace of ginger 生姜

-green part of the welsh onion ねぎ

-100g of okara おから

-more 20g of ginger 生姜

-150ml of awamori 泡盛  (it's a rice alcohol from Okinawa) or just Japanese sake 酒 is fine.

-500ml of dashi だし汁 (Japanese broth)

-30g of Okinawa kurozato 沖縄黒砂糖

-1 tbsp of kibizato きび砂糖 (cane sugar)

-3 tbsp of shoyu 醤油 (Japanese soy sauce)

-1 tbsp de mirin みりん (sweet cooking alcohol made from mochigome もち米 (sweet sticky rice)) 


First grilled each faces of the pork belly in a fry pan on medium heat without using oil (the fat of the pork'll melt).


This process prevents the meat form breaking when simmering and also make less fatty.


Blot the meat with a cooking paper to remove excess oil, transfer it into a saucepan and cover well with cold water, add the green part of welsh onion, a good piece of ginger and okara. The okara is what remains for making tonyu 豆乳, soy milk, the milk through a cotton cloth is pressed, and consistent part that stay in the cloth is the okara! So it's like..."pulp soybeans"


The okara will drain too strong tastes from pork, but if you don't have any, it doesn't matter.

Bring to boil and when it boils, remove the scum


Cover with a lid and let simmered at low heat for 1h45.

Check with a bamboo skewered if it's tender.


wash the meat lightly under cold water

and cut it into big bite size pieces


Heat slowly the dashi, disolv sugars in it, add the awamori...


When sugar is dissolved, add the pork and the 20g of finely sliced ginger.


bring to boil and remove the scum.


cover and let it simmered on low heat for 30min.


after 30min, add the soy sauce, put an otoshibuta (the little wooden light lid or a sheet of baking paper) cover and simmer 1 hour.


When it's done, add the mirin and sprinkle the pork cubes with the broth for 2-3min (on medium heat)


And it's ready!




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Très bel article, très intéressant. Je reviendrai me poser chez vous. N'hésitez pas à visiter mon univers (lien sur pseudo). A bientôt.
Très bel article, très intéressant. Je reviendrai me poser chez vous. N'hésitez pas à visiter mon univers (lien sur pseudo). A bientôt.
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